Week 1: Become The Expert In Your Market
Welcome to The Venue Accelerator
STEP 1: Welcome to the Venue Accelerator [7:07]
STEP 2: Complete Your Entry Audit [10:00]
STEP 3: Stop Gaps [13:38]
* Important reminder: Ask for help when you need it at hello@kristinbinford.com. I want you to be resourceful, not get stuck.
Start Thinking About Success Differently
STEP 4: The Secret to Running a Wildly Successful Venue [24:28]
STEP 5: Who is Your Competition? (Audio Only) [8:36]
* BONUS Training: 8 Ways to find details on your competitors without secret shopping [8:05]
STEP 6: This Isn't Academic (Audio Only) [4:00]
Be What The Market Wants And Needs
STEP 7: Watch This Before You Start (Facebook Video) [9:50]
STEP 8: Mapping Your Market - (Download the Venue Comparison Tool) [35:58]
Action Items
STEP 9: Post a celebration from this week in the Venue Accelerator Facebook group here.
STEP 10: Implement the Week 1 Quick Win: Tag Kristin Binford (personal Facebook profile) in the comments of your Facebook post. See notes for creating that post here.
STEP 11: Download and start implementing these strategies to get more out of Facebook for free.
Facebook cheat sheet 1 & Facebook cheat sheet 2
STEP 12: Special Bonus: A tool to help you sleep better (I LOVE this!)
Yoga Nidra for Sleep - Listen to this nightly to fall asleep and rest your mind. (Great for folks who have a hard time falling asleep or getting deep sleep!)