Wedding Venue Pricing & Communicating Your Value

With Venue Owner + Venue Coach, Kristin Binford

Pricing is a critical decision in your Wedding Venue business.

As a fellow Venue Owner myself, I know this all to well.

It's easy to feel unsure about your Venue’s pricing strategy, especially when you hear of other venues discounting and wonder if you should do the same. But here's the thing: What someone else thinks about your Venue’s pricing is irrelevant.

Market matters. What is considered a reasonable price in one market may not be in another. So it's important to understand your market and who your ideal clients are. Factors like your service level and reviews are also valuable and relevant.

Common pricing challenges include:

  • Being underpriced and leaving margin on the table

  • Being severely underpriced and not targeting your ideal couples

  • Being overpriced and leaving dates on the table that could have been booked

Finding the right pricing strategy is more important than ever, as more and more Venues continue to open (I mean, have you counted the number of new Venues opening in your market recently?!).

Now let me ask you…

  • How many more amazing couples could you book, if you had this figured out? 

  • How much opportunity are you leaving on the table, because you’re afraid to grow?

  • If you knew how to operationally serve amazing couples really well, scale the business, and grow a team - What would be possible?

Kristin Binford